Natalie live report – BABYMETAL at Summer Sonic 2019 day 2

Natalie live report for Summer Sonic 2019 day 2. The author of the article wrote about different artists, with BABYMETAL having a big part in it. It is mostly about what happened at the show. I only translated the Headline and the part about BABYMETAL.
The second day of “Summer Sonic” started with Sukapara and Kazutoshi Sakurai. Red Hot Chili Peppers, BABYMETAL, Yabai T and others followed.
Babymetal playing as the headliner on the Mountain Stage, on the stage are SU-METAL (Vocal, Dance), MOAMETAL (Scream, Dance) and the support dancers called Avengers, adding up to the 3 person formation. With a Wagakki¹ sound and a festival tone, the impressive “Megitsune” starts the performance. The Audience cheers and responds to SU-METALs powerful shout: “SUMMER SONIC, i can’t hear you!”. They fascinated the crowd with the cute choreography and intense performance of “Gimme Chocolate!!”. This was their start number for this years broadcast. For “PA PA YA!! (feat. F. HERO)” the audience swung their towels over their heads. Babymetal overwhelmed the spectators with screen images that looked like a blazing elevator going up and down on “Elevator Girl” . While the blast beats of “Headbanger!!” echoed, SU-METAL had a sharp look in her eyes and a powerful voice, while MOAMETAL amused the audience with a smoke gun spraying the floor. At the beginning of their last number “Road of Resistance”, SU-METAL demanded a wall of death with her arm movements. The audience continued to instigate them self’s like “bring it on”, creating a chaos on the floor. At last, they had their call & response “We are! BABYMETAL!” together with the crowd.
1 – Wagakki is a traditional Japanese Instrument used for the melody parts of Megitsune.
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Wagakki, “wa” musical instrument, appears to mean traditional Japanese instruments, not one in particular like a shamisen.
Thank you for the clarification.