Babymetal Lore Intro Summer Sonic 2019

This is the translation for Babymetals lore intro to the Summer Sonic 2019 performances in Osaka and Tokyo. Some notes to the translation and background of the Festival can be found below. The Japanese original text can be found at the end of the post.
A long time ago in a METAL GALAXY far, far away…
At the best metal martial arts assembly, also known as Summer Sonic,
The gods of metal meet at this summer festival on the stages of the steel sea and mountain.¹
Young people going every where like waves to the sea and mountain.
The young summer vacation people swallowed up by a gigantic WALL OF DEATH.
The gentle Fox God secretly instructing it all.
Zenzenzense² isn’t here?
Are you all ready to headbang?
The Fox God can’t hear you!³
Are you ready to headbang?
20 years Celebration!⁴ Let the best metal martial arts assembly begin!
1 – “Sea” and “Mountain” are the names of the two biggest stages at Summer sonic. Babymetal played on the Mountain Stage
2 – “Zenzenzense” (前前前世) is the title of a Radwimps song. Radwimps played on the Sea stage at roughly the same time as Babymetal. This is a homage to an old joke from the Summer Sonic 2013 lore intro where Babymetal joked about “Linkin Park isn’t here?” as they played parallel to Linkin Park back then. A member of Radwimps joked on twitter about not having Zenzenzense on their set list for their show afterwards.
3 – The line “mou ichido kiku” (もう一度聞く) could be translated as “let it hear one more time” but “The Fox God can’t hear you” is closer to official translations used by Babymetal.
4 – Summer Sonic 2019 was the 20 year anniversary of the festival.

Japanese Text
A long time ago in a METAL GALAXY far, far away…
SUMMER SONIC またの名を”天下一メタル武道会”
巨大なWALL OF DEATH となって夏休みの若者たちを巻き込んでいくのだ
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Summer Sonic Osaka Festival 2019 – BABYMETAL News
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